New Year, New You

It’s the beginning of a new year, and that means many of you are looking for ways to expand your knowledge, try new things, and explore new subjects.

Are you interested in learning new and interesting skills like photo editing? Looking for becoming a bit more savvy with your finances or saving for college? Take a look at some of the programs below to learn or try something new.


Pixlr Basics’s Class In this class we will be going over  features to help you make your photos exactly how you want them.  January 15th, 11:00a-12:00p
Financial Literacy Workshop This month’s workshop is Saving for College. Participants will learn tips on how to save for their child’s college and how much you actually need to put away. January 30th, 6:00p-7:15p
Computer Basics Class Have no experience with computers? No problem. In this class, participants will learn the absolute basics of using a computer. February 1st, 10:00a-11:00a
Google Drive and Docs Class Google Drive and Docs are free resources provided by Google to help you access your files from anywhere with internet. We will be going over how to create an account, organize files, and the basic features of both.
February 12th, 10:00a-11:00a
Financial Literacy Workshop This month’s workshop is on Final ExpensesPeace of mind when it’s needed the most. Are you prepared for the unexpected? February 20th, 6:00p-7:15p

Are you looking to expand your reading repertoire or knowledge? You can also expand your horizons by taking a look at Cloud Library for E-books and Audiobooks of take a look at Hoopla for E-books, music, and movies. You can even start the year out by learning a new language with our Rosetta Stone Online Resource!

We look forward to helping you reach new heights in 2020.

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The Simi Valley Public Library will be closed December 24th and December 25th in observance of Christmas.