
The Library relies on many volunteers to keep it operating: both teens and adults. The staff and the community appreciate all the care and attention our volunteers give the Library. Volunteers are needed seven days a week when the Library is open to the public. Teens can gain valuable job skills while making a difference in the community! Students are eligible to earn community service credit.

There are many ways to volunteer for the Simi Valley Public Library that align with varying interests and schedules. Please see below for current volunteer opportunities.


The main way for teens to earn volunteer/community service hours is to join the Teen Advisory Group (TAG). TAG is a group comprised of only teens, which meets monthly and comes up with new and fun teen programming for the Library. Teens get volunteer hours by attending meetings and planning and attending events. Check out more information about TAG here.

Apply to Volunteer:

Please return the completed volunteer application form via email to [email protected] or you can drop it off at the customer service desk here at the library.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteers assist with a wide variety of tasks to help keep the library running effectively as well as help staff prepare and run the wide variety of programming and events that the library offers for all ages. Volunteers may be event helpers on the day of specific events, or have provided necessary preparation of materials prior to the library event instead. We do our best to accommodate what volunteers are comfortable with and what they feel they would most enjoy.

Teen and Adult Volunteers Welcome!

Teen and adult volunteers assist Library staff with a variety of functions. Duties may include: straightening books, prepping craft supplies, or working on special projects and assisting with events and programs as needed. This position requires flexibility and open mindedness, as tasks may change week to week. 

We need volunteers that are friendly, have a high level of attention to detail and can work with minimal supervision. Training will be provided. Time commitment varies per position. Minimum age to volunteer is 14. Must attend one orientation session. 

Please contact the library at [email protected] for information about available volunteer positions. 


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