Code of Conduct


It is the policy of the City to establish standards of conduct expected of persons using the Simi Valley Public Library and the administrative processes to be used when those standards are violated.


  1. The Simi Valley Public Library is open to the public. This policy ensures everyone has the right to use Library services and resources provided his or her behavior does not unreasonably interfere with the rights of others to do the same. All patrons shall abide by the City of Simi Valley Rules and Regulations Governing the Use of Facilities (included below). Further, the following rules of conduct apply to use of the Library:
    1. Patrons may not engage in any acts prohibited by law.
    2. Behavior must not disrupt other patrons’ use of the Library.
    3. Library patrons must be considerate of others in the Library; treat other patrons and staff with courtesy and respect; honor other patrons’ privacy; and keep all conversations quiet.
    4. Cell phones must be set to mute or vibrate in the Library. Phone calls must be taken outside.
    5. Consumption of food and beverages is not allowed in the Library. (Beverages with lids are allowed).
    6. Per California Penal Code Section 370 governing public facilities, patrons are required to maintain their personal hygiene at a level that is not offensive to the public use of the facility by other patrons and does not constitute a public health concern. If it is determined that a person’s personal hygiene is not maintained to such an extent, the individual will be asked to leave the Library until the situation can be corrected.
    7. Bicycles, skates, skateboards, collapsible scooters, luggage carts, shopping carts, and other wheeled conveyances may not be used or parked inside the Library or in exterior walkways. Baby strollers and medically-necessary equipment such as wheelchairs are allowed.
    8. Patrons are not allowed to enter the Library with more than two backpacks/parcels. Personal belongings may not be left unattended inside or outside the Library. Unattended parcels may be removed from the premises.
    9. Pets or animals other than service animals are not allowed in the Library. Service animals are dogs which are trained to do work for an individual with a disability, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act. Service dogs must be leashed and kept under the direct control of the handler at all times. Service dogs which act aggressively towards Library patrons or staff or towards other service dogs are not permitted to stay in the Library.
    10. Library restrooms may not be used for bathing or washing clothing.
    11. Shoes must be worn in the Library. Patrons must also be fully clothed such that upper body and lower body are appropriately covered at all times.
    12. Sleeping is not allowed in the Library.
    13. Using Library materials or furnishings in a potentially damaging manner is not permitted.
    14. Panhandling and soliciting or conducting business – including tutoring for a fee – is not allowed in the Library.


  2. It is unlawful for any person to fail to obey a directive from Library personnel to cease and desist from the violation of any regulation, statute, or ordinance applicable to the use of the Library. If a patron exhibits behavior that violates the Code of Conduct, Library staff will first inform the patron regarding the Library’s Code of Conduct and seek voluntary compliance. If the patron continues to act in ways that violate the disruptive use policy and the Code of Conduct, Library staff can require that the patron leave the Library. Law enforcement personnel may be called in to assist as needed. The Simi Valley Public Library has the authority to restrict patron access to the Library for extended periods upon written notice to the patron.

  4. Parents, caregivers, and teachers are responsible for the behavior of children under their supervision. Children under the age of 9 must be accompanied by a parent or responsible caregiver 12 years old or older. A responsible adult must directly accompany preschool children at all times. Library staff cannot assume responsibility for children at any time. If an unattended child is in the Library at closing time, law enforcement personnel will be notified and asked to pick up the child. Library staff is not permitted to offer the child transportation home.
    City of Simi Valley Rules and Regulations Governing the Use of City Facilities

  6. No person shall engage in activities or conduct that interferes with Library employees in the performance of their duties or threatens the health and safety of themselves or others.

  8. No person will use abusive, discriminatory, profane, or indecent language; threaten or engage in a fight or physical altercation; or exhibit any conduct that physically or verbally assaults, intimidates, or threatens others.

  10. No person will engage in activities that are inconsistent with the intended use of a specific area, or participate in any conduct that is harmful, illegal, or hazardous to any person, to City property, or to the property of any person.

  12. The sale, service, or consumption of alcohol is prohibited in City facilities, unless such actions have been permitted by the City Manager.

  14. City facilities shall not be used during regular operating hours for non-City sponsored programs and purposes. City facilities such as the Library, Senior Center and Cultural Arts Center may be rented by special permit, outside of normal operating hours, for this purpose.

  16. Smoking is not permitted within City facilities or where posted on City property.

  18. Automobiles, trailers, campers, motor homes, recreational vehicles, and conveyances licensed by the California Department of Motor Vehicles will not be allowed to remain at City facilities between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. without the permission of the City.

  20. The solicitation and sale of goods, merchandise, or services at City facilities is expressly limited to the advancement of City sponsored programs and services.

    Item Nos. 4-11 Adopted by the City Council on December 15, 2003

    Items 1.a-1.n Revised by the City Council on April 22, 2019.


    [April 22, 2019 Policy revised by Board of Trustees]
    [May 6, 2013 Policy reviewed by Board of Trustees]
    [May 6, 2013 Policy adopted by Board of Trustees]

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