Display Policy


It is the policy of the City that the Simi Valley Public Library make public forums available to the community for purposes that enhance the Library’s educational, cultural, and civic mission. Due to the number of requests and limited available space, it is not possible to accommodate all requests of local organizations and businesses for such space. The Library does not advocate or endorse the viewpoints of exhibits or exhibitors using public spaces to display handouts, flyers, and posters, and/or to exhibit items.


  1. Displays in the Library are for information about civic, cultural, educational, and recreational programs of interest to the local community. Those civic groups, service clubs, nonprofit organizations, and governmental units promoting free or nominal charge events may be permitted to display informational posters, flyers, and handouts and exhibit items in the Library, provided they conform to the following conditions:
    1. The items are not awkward to display or take up disproportionate space.
    2. The items are for events no more than one month from the date of posting.
    3. The items identify the person or group responsible for distribution, and include a contact address or telephone number.
    4. The items may be disposed of by Library staff after the event, unless other prior arrangements have been made.
    5. The items are not in violation of any federal, state, or local laws.
    6. For-profit businesses may be given approval to display flyers about fund raisers or other initiatives which benefit the community. Approval from the Library Director is required.
    7. Flyers must be no larger than 8 ½” x 11”.


  2. Those wishing to display exhibit items at the Library may request permission from the Library Director. Requests will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis, with scheduling priority given to Simi Valley City organizations and exhibitors who have not previously exhibited items. The Library Director, or designee, will determine the availability of exhibit space, appropriate location, and duration of exhibit.

  4. Neither the Library, its staff, nor the City assume any responsibility for materials, equipment, or any other article left by the organization, group, or individual in the Library and will not be liable for loss, theft, or damage thereto.

  6. The exhibitor is responsible for the installation and dismantling of the exhibit as scheduled. If the Library must dismantle an exhibit because it is not removed as scheduled, the Library is not responsible for any resulting damage.

  8. If items are not picked up at the agreed time, the Library will follow established practices for the disposal of surplus or unclaimed property. No employee of the Library will take possession of the items.

    [April 22, 2019 Policy revised by Board of Trustees]
    [June 3, 2013 Policy reviewed by Board of Trustees]
    [June 3, 2013 Policy adopted by Board of Trustees]

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