Get a Library Card

Did you know that any resident of California can obtain a Simi Valley Public Library card for free? Now is the perfect time to get a library card to get access to all of our digital materials, like Hoopla and CloudLibrary! To get started, simply fill out the online application. 

These digital use cards will expire four months after you register, but can be made into a full-use card if you visit the library with a government issued I.D or driver’s license.

Library cards are available to adults, teens, and children. Those under the age of 18 must have their parent or legal guardian’s approval to get a library card. 

Upon obtaining a library card, a PIN will be set as the last four digits of the patron’s phone number. The PIN can be changed by logging into the library account here, or requesting a change by phone at (805)-526-1735 or by email at [email protected].

A replacement card can be obtained for a $1.00 charge to your library account.

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Join us for a celebration of stories around the world on Saturday, February 22nd from 10am-1pm for Read Across America Day!